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District Vision & Mission
The Vision: Preparing Everyone to Learn, Lead and Achieve
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Learn (Developing Potential)
- We believe life is a continual process of learning.
- As life changes, we must be able to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to adapt and grow.
- We must practice and apply what we learn to be able to navigate life.
Lead (Building Relationships)
- We have a responsibility to discover a plan for our lives and help others with theirs.
- Trusting relationships help you know when to lead and when to follow.
- Knowing how to set a plan and move in a direction is a key to individual and collective success.
- Living a purposeful life in this way moves us from dependence to independence to interdependence.
Achieve (Pursuing Excellence)
- Setting goals helps us define excellence.
- While pursuing goals, people learn from their successes and failures.
- Striving for and reaching our goals is a rewarding part of life.