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District Curriculum SRG Common Vocabulary

Big Ideas – Statements or questions that drive the major concepts of your course or unit.

Concept – Universal understanding of an idea.

Essential Questions – Questions that lead students to draw conclusions about the big idea.

Power Standard – One overarching standard that encompasses a group of standards that indicate the level of understanding a student has about a concept or big idea.

Standards – Statements from the Iowa Core/ accepted standards within a discipline that drive what we teach and expect students to know.

Learning Targets – Student friendly statements of what they should know and be able to do.

Progressions – Sequenced learning targets that lead to mastery of a concept or big idea.

Checkpoints (Concept Check)– Assessments that provide instructional guidance for the teacher and feedback to the student.

Levels of learning – The indicator or grade that students receive based on their achievement of course standards.

Exceptional Learner –

• Students who are intellectually gifted or have a special talent.
• Students with identified plans for learning and/or behavior needs.
• Students with physical disabilities or sensory impairments.

Accommodations – An alteration of environment, curriculum format, or equipment that allows exceptional learners to gain access to content and/or complete assigned tasks.

Modifications – This refers to a change in curriculum expectation for exceptional learners.

Non-academic Factors – Factors distinct from achievement toward course/grade level academic standards. Examples of these may include behavior, attendance, responsibility, motivation, respect, effort, engagement, etc.

Body of Evidence – a collection of artifacts used to indicate student learning.