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District Health Medication At School
Will your child need medication during the school day?
Each Medication is required to have:
- Parental Authorization of Medical Administration Form (PDF) completed by the parent/legal guardian and turned in to the School Nurse at your child’s building.
- The medication must be in the original labeled container as dispensed or the manufacturer’s labeled container.
- The medication label contains the student name, name of the medication, and directions for use, and date.
- Annual renewal and immediate notification of changes are to be in writing by the parent/legal guardian
All medications must be brought in by the parent or legal guardian. The only medications that are allowed in a child’s backpack are those students with asthma or other airway constricting diseases, (i.e., inhalers, epipens, diastat). But even in these cases, a Parent Authorization of Medication Administration Form needs to be on file and the School Nurse needs to be notified that the child is carrying this medication.
For more information on our Administration of Medication to Students, see Section 502.7 (page 130) of the Board Policies.