News Apprenticeship News – Landon Hudson Completes Culinary/Hospitality Apprenticeship
Published on November 22, 2023Landon Hudson has officially completed his Culinary/Hospitality Apprenticeship through the Career Academy of Pella.
Congratulations to Landon Hudson for earning Registered Apprenticeship certification in Hospitality and Culinary Arts from the United States Department of Labor. Landon received professional training at the Career Academy of Pella through the WorkSMART Connector program, with work-based learning experience at Central College, Liberty Street Kitchen, Int’Velds Meat Market and Butcher’s Brewhuis, Country Inn & Suites and GrandStay Hotel & Suites.
The hospitality/culinary arts apprenticeship includes a capstone event where students showcase their skills. Landon chose to host a community dinner, where he selected the menu, helped order ingredients, prepared the food and welcomed guests. Employers, apprentices and their parents often share that “soft” skill growth is one of the biggest benefits of the experience. His welcome speech at the capstone dinner demonstrated how quickly Landon has become a professional in culinary arts as well as communications.
“A huge thanks to all of the employers and people behind the scenes who made this possible. The apprenticeship has given me an irreplaceable experience, exposing me to a breadth of skills and knowledge I don’t think I could’ve found anywhere else. This program has been rewarding in and of itself every step of the way, and receiving the certification is not only the end to this adventure, but also means I can start looking for the next one.”
Landon Hudson