News Introducing SafeSchools Alert
Published on February 25, 2020
District NewsHigh SchoolJefferson IntermediateLincoln ElementaryMadison ElementaryMiddle SchoolPella Career Academy
District ID code: 1915
Our district is now using SafeSchools Alert, a tip reporting app that allows students, staff and parents to submit safety concerns to our administration.
You can easily report tips on bullying, harassment, drugs, vandalism, threats of violence or any safety issue you’re concerned about through SafeSchools Alert.
Do a search for “SafeSchools Alert” in the App Store to download for free.
- Every tip received about our district is immediately logged in the system and our administration is notified.
- Tips may be submitted ANONYMOUSLY if you prefer.
When submitting an alert, please be sure to use our
District Identification Code: 1915.
Thank you for helping keep our schools a safe place to learn and to work!