News Changes in Face Mask Protocol & Quarantine
Published on September 29, 2020Dear Parents/Guardians and Staff,
The Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) has made a change on quarantine recommendations for people that have been exposed to a positive case of COVID-19. This applies in non-healthcare, non-residential settings only. This includes businesses, education and child care settings.
This guidance recommends that close contacts of COVID-positive cases will no longer need to quarantine for 14 days if a face covering was worn consistently and correctly by the positive case and close contacts. The positive case must isolate. If exposure occurs while a student is not wearing a mask (ie. lunch) they will need to quarantine at home.
Close contacts will continue to be notified via telephone when there is a need to monitor your student.
Parents may choose to have their student quarantine at home if they wish.
The close contacts MUST self-monitor. These guidelines include:
- Wear a face mask at all times, except when eating and drinking
- Social distance whenever possible
- Monitor for COVID-19 symptoms, including temperature twice a day over the next 14 days
- If any symptoms develop, STAY HOME, notify your school nurse and speak with a healthcare provider about COVID-19 testing.
- If people who are self-monitoring become ill but do not get tested, they should remain home until 10 days after symptom onset
With this new guidance the type of face covering is also very important. Neck gaiters, bandanas, and masks with valves will not count as appropriate face coverings to avoid the 14 day quarantine. Therefore, we are asking students and staff to avoid the use of gaiters, bandanas and masks with valves.
Click here to view appropriate types of masks.
Please make this change with your children as soon as possible but no later than Monday, Oct. 5.
Thank you for your help with implementing these new changes.