Early Childhood Programs Preschool Registration FAQ
Why choose Pella Community Schools for my child’s preschool education?
Our curriculum offers a balance of individual, small group, and large group activities with an emphasis on learning centers and child self-selection. The classrooms are planned to stimulate all aspects of development by acknowledging each child’s individual development, age-related development, and cultural background. Your child will learn by doing, imitating, observing, exploring, examining, experimenting, and questioning in activities and experiences planned according to his or her interests and home experiences. Language and literacy experiences, storytelling and story sharing, creative dramatics, and music are integrated throughout the program as well as numbers, science, and outdoor activities. We also focus on social-emotional learning with an emphasis placed upon sharing, belonging to a group, and forming friendships with other children and adults. Together, our amazing preschool teachers provide many years of early childhood and special education experience and are the reasons our preschools are a great place for all children to be!
How old can my child be to attend our 4 year old preschool?
In order to be eligible for preschool, your child must be four years old on or prior to September 15th, of the fall school year.
How old can my child be to attend our 3 year old preschool?
In order to be eligible for preschool, your child must be three years old on or prior to September 15th, of the fall school year.
When should I register my child for preschool?
The preschool registration window is open between March 1 – March 31.
Which school buildings offer preschool classes?
The Viersen Early Learning Center will house all preschool classes starting in the fall of 2024.
When are preschool classes held?
Three and four year old preschool classes are three hours for four days per week – Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. The preschool calendar runs on a similar schedule as the Pella Community School district calendar regarding vacation days, early outs, and snow days. The start date will differ from the district calendar. You will receive information from your classroom teacher regarding a home visit, the preschool start date, and other specific important dates.
Can I choose which section my child will be in (AM/PM)?
While completing the registration form, you will be asked your preference of AM, PM, or No Preference and that will be considered, along with available slots and teacher resources. We always have more interest in morning preschool than the afternoon, and we will need to balance that out, as we do each year. Thus, we cannot guarantee that your child will be in your preferred section.
How do I register my child for preschool?
Please refer to the Registration page and follow the process for either an existing family or a new family to the district. If you don’t have an email address or access to a computer, please visit one of our school buildings to complete the online registration on an available kiosk.
What is wrap-around care?
Little Dutch Academy also offers wrap-around care services in addition to preschool. Wrap-around care is our high quality childcare services for 3 and 4 year olds opposite their preschool time as well as before and after school. These classrooms will work closely with the preschool teachers to extend the learning happening in preschool.
How many spots are available for wrap-around care?
There are 72 four year old wrap-around care spots available at Little Dutch Academy. Additionally, there are 20 three year old wrap-around care spots. If you are interested, we recommend you sign up for services as soon as possible starting March 1.
How do I register for wrap-around care?
You can sign up for wrap-around care during registration. Because there is a limited number of spots available, we will reach out to families after registration with confirmation.
How do I register my child if I don’t have access to a computer or have an email address?
Starting March 1st, please visit the High School, Madison or Lincoln main offices. Please come between 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM. Someone will be able to help you register your child.
I have older children already enrolled at Pella Schools. Can I register them all at once with my preschooler?
Yes, you can! Please refer to the Registration page and follow the process for an existing family. Just be sure to add your preschool-aged child to the list of students you’re registering for the coming school year.
What paperwork should I have ready before registering my child for preschool?
Existing families with Parent Portal accounts will need a digital copy of your child’s birth certificate and medical records for required immunizations and screening. Please refer to the State Health Requirements to see which medical records your child will need.
New families will need the paperwork listed above and additionally will need a digital copy showing proof of residence (ex: a scanned copy of a utility bill with your name and address).
Is my child guaranteed a preschool slot if I register them before March 31st?
As long as you register online before the deadline, you should be fine. If we have more interest than we have space, we will create a random drawing system that will allow us to fill the spots we have available.
I just registered my preschooler. Why don’t I see them in my Parent Portal?
Your preschooler will not be visible on your Parent Portal until the fall school year, which starts July 1st.
Can preschool students ride the bus to and from school?
Preschoolers are able to ride the bus for free on the morning and afternoon routes. Mid-day transportation is available, but for a per semester fee. To learn more about preschool transportation – Transportation FAQs. Sign-up for Mid-Day Transportation will be released this summer.
Who should I contact if I have more questions?
If you have any further questions regarding our preschool program, please contact Sarah Kuennen, the Early Childhood Director at [email protected].