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Announcements Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Published on September 15, 2020

TODAY’S THOUGHT ON CHARACTER COUNTS – It’s not the situation… It’s your reaction to the situation. – Zig Ziglar

Lunch Menu – Creamy Mac-N-Cheese and Lil’ Smokies


Students interested in learning more about attending Dordt College, please stop in the counseling office. There will be opportunities to visit with an admission representative at Smokey Row on Thursday, Sept 17th. Sign up is requested in the counseling office.

A reminder that there will be a presentation in the auditorium today for those interested in joining the Pella Bionic Dutch Robotics Team. They will be meeting at the beginning of iLearn B in the auditorium. Please try to fill the front center row first with two seats in between each person, sitting every other row. Team members will be there to help with seating. Please contact Ryder Bates, Trevor Hundt, or Lucas Schakel if you have any questions.

There is lip sync practice today during iLearn B. Seniors will be in the auditorium and juniors will be in the choir room.


Remember students that we are on an altered schedule today for the homecoming announcement at 3:10.

Congratulations to the JV boys on their victory over Pella Christian!

Speech Team meeting for today will be rescheduled for after Homecoming in hopes of having more information about the season at that time. See Mrs. Jones with questions.

Good Luck to the Aquagirls tonight in their home meet against Osky and Fairfield!

Good Luck to the Volleyball Team as they host Newton!



Special Schedule

Tuesday’s Schedule

Wednesday’s Schedule