Announcements Monday, September 14, 2020
Published on September 14, 2020TODAY’S THOUGHT ON CHARACTER COUNTS – Recognizing a problem doesn’t always bring a solution, but until we recognize that problem, there can be no solution. – James Baldwin
Lunch Menu – Cheese-Filled Breadstick with Marinara Sauce
Reminder – there is homeroom today. 9th and 11th graders have homeroom A and 10th and 12th grades have home room B (10th graders – class rings and letter jackets; 12th graders will be handing out cap and gown information)
Students interested in learning more about attending Dordt College, please stop in the counseling office. There will be opportunities to visit with an admission representative at Smokey Row on Thursday, Sept 17th. Sign up is requested in the counseling office.
Congratulations to the varsity football team on defeating Knoxville Friday night!
Good luck to the JV football team as they host Pella Christian tonight!
Good luck to the freshman football team as they travel to Knoxville! The freshman football team will leave at 4:50 today from the team room.
Special Schedule