Announcements Wednesday, March 7
Published on March 7, 2018There is a 90 minute Early Dismissal today.
Today’s Lunch: Chicken Strips or Crunchy Coated Cheese Stick Tomorrow’s Lunch: Pepperoni & Cheese Pocket or Sliced Turkey Breast & Cheese Sub
- Please check the lost and found by the gym and by the office and take home your items. Those treasures not claimed by Friday after school will be donated.
- Congratulations to all athletes in the 8th grade P.E. Winter Olympics! A special shout out goes to the 4th hour team representing Mexico who came in with the most points overall. The team representing Norway from 7th hour came in second. Tied for third were 2nd and 3rd hour teams from Brazil.
- Today is 7th PE, 8th Health and Girls Choir
Have a great day!