Announcements Wednesday, Aug 30
Published on August 30, 2017There is a 90 minute Early Dismissal today.
Today’s Lunch: Chicken Nuggets
- A heads up to check your schedules today. Our 90 minute early out schedule moves your 7th period class earlier in the day and is before lunch. It is right after 4th period.
- Middle school club tennis will start next week on Wednesday afternoons. No prior tennis experience is necessary! If you are interested see Mrs. Brandt or pick up a form in the office. Forms are due by next Tuesday, September 5.
- Do you enjoy a good argument or debate? Then Mock Trial may be for you! Any student interested in Mock Trial, plan on meeting in Mr. Garland’s room on Friday during 10th period.
- Today is 7th Grade Health and 8th Grade PE, and Girls Choir.
Make it a great day!