Announcements Wed, Aug 20
Published on August 20, 2014Welcome back!
Today’s Lunch: breaded chicken sandwich Tomorrow: walking taco
-Football pads will be handed out today after school. Practice starts tomorrow. Volleyball practice also starts tomorrow. Cross country will start Monday. Please turn in your physical, concussion form, and emergency card to the office before practice begins.
-Lunch cards will be handed out at the beginning of lunch today. Lanyards for them are available in the office for $2.
-If you need to leave during the school day for an appointment please bring a note to the office before school starts to get a permit to leave the building. If you will be absent please have your parent call the school to report your absence before 8:45 am.
-Tomorrow we will run a one-hour early dismissal schedule with a long 10th pd from 1:57-3:15. 8th grade laptop roll-out will be during that time. 7th grade and new student laptop roll-out will be from 6-8 pm in the gym.
Have a fabulous first day back!