Announcements Tuesday, Nov. 10
Published on November 10, 2015Celebrations:
The Lady Dutch Volleyball team play Harlan this afternoon at State in Cedar Rapids. Good luck to Coach Brand and the entire team!
Today’s Lunch: Italian Pasta Casserole Tomorrow’s Lunch: Chicken Nuggets or Sausage Pizza
Character Counts:
Special thanks to Mr. Anderson’s 10th period study hall along with Jensten Sterk and Sean Long for helping set up the Coats for Kids Drive.
- The pep bus will leave for the volleyball game in Cedar Rapids at 1:30 from the Middle School. Food will not be provided so please bring snacks and/or money for concessions at the game.
- There is a pep bus planned for Thursday’s football game in the dome. Cost is $20 for the ticket and transportation, Deadline to sign up is Wednesday by 2:00 p.m, and departure will be approximately 5:30 on Thursday.
- Reminder that picture re-takes are this Thursday, November 12.
- There will be a 2 hour late start on Friday, November 13.
- Quarterly NO LATES Celebration 15-16: There will be an end of the Quarter Celebration for students not being on the Late List. The 2nd quarter plan will be:
– An afternoon of movie and games at the end of the 2nd quarter
– You are allowed one late assignment per class starting today, and you must be completely caught up by the end of the quarter to participate.
– If you are not, there will be iStudy during the movie and games afternoon celebration at the end of the
– 3rd quarter plan TBD in January
– 4th quarter plan TBD
Have a great day everyone!