Announcements Tuesday, March 23
Published on March 23, 2021Today’s Lunch: BBQ chicken
Tomorrow’s Lunch: stuffed crust pepperoni pizza
Please bring your laptop chargers to school tomorrow. All students will be leaving your laptops here to charge overnight tomorrow in your 10th pd rooms.
Any track athlete that ordered clothes from the high school order, please pick them up at any time in Mr Tjeerdsma’s or Mr Fynaardt’s room.
Attention 8th graders! Are you looking for a leadership opportunity? If so, sign up to become a Pella Middle School Student Ambassador. To learn more about the opportunity see Mrs. Van Wyk in the counselor’s office and pick up an application!
Food, Drinks, Gum, or Candy in the Classroom:
- Students may have drinks in resealable containers. Allowable drinks include water, milk, sugar free sports drinks, or juice. Soda, coffee, and energy drinks are not permissible past the cafeteria. Containers unable to be sealed will not be allowed (i.e. aluminum cans) unless it is a special occasion and preapproved.
- Gum, food, and other drinks may be allowed under certain circumstances with teacher approval.
- Food and drink items may be confiscated or thrown away at any time if they are not permissible.