Announcements Tuesday, January 23
Published on January 23, 2018Today’s Lunch: Cheese Pizza Crunchers or Cheeseburger. Tomorrow’s Lunch: Chicken Strips or Crunchy Coated Cheese Sticks
Character Counts:
- A big thank you to Ben Bartels and Aidan Brand for their help this morning with the climbing wall. Your cheerful assistance is appreciated.
- Also, a shout out to Blake Braaafhart, Riley Adams and Clayton Flattery for helping clean up a spill in the kitchen during lunch yesterday. Your help was very much appreciated!
Activity Schedule:
- Boys basketball will play Indianola today; 7th grade will play here, 8th grade will head to Indianola, dismissal at 2:30. Good luck to our teams. Home games: Teams A & B at the Middle School gym; Teams C & D at the Jefferson Gym.
- Please consider donating food items for our Souper Bowl of Caring fundraiser. There will be a box in the cafeteria by the vending machine to collect food items. All donations will go to the Pella Food Shelf.
- Good luck to Caden Verhoef and Josi Nunnikhoven as they compete at special olympic basketball this morning! Have fun!
Make it a terrific Tuesday!