Announcements Tues, Sept 2
Published on September 2, 2014Today’s Lunch: chicken Parmesan pasta or mandarin chicken Tomorrow: hot turkey gravy or chicken nuggets
Character Counts Recognition:
-Lindsey Blommers for turning in money she found on the floor
-Meet the teacher/parent-teacher conferences will be held this evening from 4:30-8:30. Schedule is as follows:
4:30-5:30 Q&A with teachers or parents pick up their student’s schedule. 5:35 Brief Meeting in the commons
5:30 – 6:00 Presentation – Our Commitments to Parents – Josh
6:00 – 8:02 Parents follow their son/daughter’s schedule. 10 minutes per class – brief overview of your class and expectations. 4 minutes for transition / passing between classes
8:02 – 8:30 Open time for parents to visit teachers and/or ask questions
-Student Council information and applications will be handed out today in all social studies classes. Applications will be due on Friday to either your social studies teacher or Mrs. Tjeerdsma. Please see Mrs. Tjeerdsma if you have any questions.
Pursue, Persist, Defeat- is the theme for the HS volleyball team this season. If you’d like to buy a volleyball tshirt, please get an information sheet from the office. Short sleeve shirts are $12 and can be purchased on line. See Mrs. Brand if you have questions. Deadline is Friday, September 6. Go Dutch!
Have a terrific Tuesday!