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Announcements Tues, Nov 4 Announcement

Published on November 4, 2014

Today’s Celebrations:

-Congratulations to those student who were selected to participate in SCIBA Honor Band today:

Joe Beukelman
Grayson Parisee
Kayla Tauke
Jaclyn Wieser
Elizabeth VanWeelden
Spencer Leovan
Mark DeBruin
Rebecca Bonham
Troy Miller
Hanna Blom
Crysta VanEe
Ben Hones
Today’s Lunch: Italian pasta casserole  Tomorrow:  breaded steak or breaded pork tenderloin

Character Counts Recognition:

-Thank you to Makenzie Van Maanen, Caroline McMartin, and Olivia VanderLeest for helping set up Coats for Kids at Jefferson on Thursday.  They took time on their early out day to help, and it is much appreciated.


-7th grade girls and boys basketball starts today after school.
Have a terrific Tuesday!