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Announcements Tues, Mar 4

Published on March 4, 2014

Today’s Lunch:   chicken parmesan pasta or mandarin chicken  Tomorrow:  fish sandwich or chicken nuggets


-Students just a reminder if you fail a class for Third Quarter you will be ineligible for extra curricular activities from March 2nd until April 19th. Get all of your late work turned in to avoid missing any activities. If you have any questions see Mr. Anderson.
-8th graders please register for next year’s classes by Friday.
-Student Council will meet Thursday 10th pd in the lunchroom.
-Today during lunch the yearbook staff will be taking group photos of 8th grade girls basketball and 8th grade track.
-Good luck to the 8th grade choir students that will be leaving at noon today to participate in the South Central Iowa Honor Choir in Newton.
-Don’t forget to celebrate National Breakfast Week!  Today’s school breakfast was a cereal bar and yogurt, tomorrow is bagel melt and fruit.
Have a terrific Tuesday!