Announcements Thursday, September 19
Published on September 19, 2019Today’s Lunch: chicken sticks or pepperoni & cheese pocket Tomorrow’s Lunch: mini corn dogs or sausage pizza
Activity Schedule:
- 8th Volleyball @ Oskaloosa – Dismissal 3:00 – Bus – 3:15
- 7th Volleyball vs. Oskaloosa
- Do you enjoy helping your community? Come learn to code and experience a whole new way to create change! We’re launching a Girls Who Code club for all 6th – 12th graders starting September 25th. All meetings will be held at PCHS Library at 2:30 and dismiss in time for sports practices.Girls Who Code is built on the principles of Sisterhood, Code, and Impact. Club members – that’s you! – will together build a project for our community. Bring your ideas and passion because it’ll come alive through code!Come and bring a friend to our launch meeting September 25th, 2:30pm at PCHS Library! It’s free to join and participate. If you have any questions email [email protected].
- The Student Council will host a Homecoming Dance next Friday from 3:15-7:00. There will be dancing and dodgeball, pizza, pop, baked goods and glow sticks for sale. It will cost $5 per person to attend.
Homecoming Dress Up Days
- Monday- Trend Day
- Tuesday- Color Wars (Teachers Wear White, 7th Blue and 8th Red
- Wednesday- Western Wednesday
- Thursday- Hobby Day
- Friday- Green and White- Pella Pride Day
Have a fabulous day!