Announcements Thursday, April 17
Published on April 17, 2014Today’s lunch: fiestada pizza Monday’s lunch: Italian meatball sub
-7th graders remember your fishing poles on Monday!
-Good luck to the shooting team as they compete in Sporting Clays at Osky and Trap in Waukee this weekend.
-Boys track will be dismissed after 9th pd to leave for their meet in Grinnell.
-The Klompen Classic is 2 weeks away. Be sure to sign up and participate in this great charity 5K! Registration forms are available in teh office or online at
-Good luck to these students participating in the Knowledge Bowl finals today: Katie Masek, Kaylin Vos, Erin Duenwald, Carter Briggs, Cole Bisbee, Nick Schmitz, Gavin Klein, Tanvi Shingade, Caitlyn Fank, Rebekah Fyfe, Makayla Thompson, Austin Adrian, Garrett Johnson, Adam Smart, Isaiah Martin, Brayden Duinink.
Make it a great Thursday!