Announcements Thursday, April 14
Published on April 14, 2022Today’s Lunch: breakfast for lunch or wild Mike’s cheese bites
A huge shout out to Mr. Lester, Carter VanKley, Malik Fisher, and Curtis Wilkenson for their help with the 8th grade Hoops for Heart semi-final games. Thank you for stepping in to make the games run so smoothly.
Congratulations to all teams and players that played this year. Those moving on to the final game and potential to play against the teacher team are 3rd hour and 4th hour. Looking forward to seeing you play next Friday, April 22nd! Who is ready to defend a Mr. Pike dunk?
-Boys track team-the meet in Grinnell has officially been cancelled.
As of right now, the meet in Ottumwa is still on and the bus will be leaving at 2:30. Dismissal from class at 2:15
-Starting next week, second chance breakfast will no longer be available.
-NO school tomorrow or Monday. Have a wonderful LONG weekend and we’ll see you Tuesday.