Announcements Thurs, Mar 3
Published on March 3, 2016Good morning!
Today is: Thursday, March 03
Today’s Lunch: Fiestada Pizza and Cheese-Filled Breadstick Tomorrow’s Lunch: Cheese-Filled Breadstick or Breaded Spicy Chicken Sandwich
If you are in orchestra, please report to the cafeteria during 10th hour for a group photo.
Pep bus sign in through today until 3:15. The bus leaves Friday at 10:00 from the Middle School.
MS boys track will begin after school on March 8
MS girls track will begin after school on March 10
Please fill out the sign up form in your email if you have not done so already.
7th grade Girls Choir pictures in the cafeteria today during 10 period.
Boys State Basketball Game Tuesday, March 8 at 8:15 pm against Perry tickets will be on sale at the high school all day Tuesday. There will not be a pep bus.
Make it a great Thursday!