Announcements Monday, October 16
Published on October 16, 2017Lunch Today: Corn Dog or Stuffed Crust Cheese Pizza. Tomorrow’s Lunch: Cheese-Filled Breadstick or Bacon Cheeseburger
Character Counts:
- Shout out to Giovy Eekhoff for helping teachers carry meals to their cars last week. Your helpfulness was appreciated. Thanks Giovy!
Activity Results:
- Middle School runners participated in 4 races at the state meet Sunday. Boys edged out Decorah to win the meet with Josiah Wittenberg winning, and Chase Lauman running to a 2nd place finish.
- The 7th grade girls earned an 8th place finish. Great race everyone!
Activity Schedule:
Volleyball will play Newton today in their end-of-the-season matches. 7th grade will play here, 8th grade will head to Newton, dismissal at 3:00. Good luck Ladies!
- Just a reminder, Peer 2 Peer applications are due to Ms. Sheets or Mrs. Blommers by this Thursday, October 19th.
Have a great start to your week!