Announcements Monday, April 29
Published on April 29, 2019Today’s Lunch: Breakfast for Lunch or Pepperoni & Cheese Pocket. Tomorrow’s Lunch: Popcorn Chicken or Cheeseburger
Activity Schedule:
- Boys are hosting a track meet after school today. Good luck to our athletes!
- Students who will be helping during Tulip Time, please have your parent or guardian contact the school by Wednesday if you are going to be missing class.
- 8th grade students: If you are interested in being a football cheerleader next year, please sign up in the office and pick up tryout information. Tryouts will be May 10th at 5:30 at the Middle School.
- Student Council Quote-of-the-Week: It is not how you start…. but how you finish. Finish strong!
Make this a great Monday!