Announcements Friday, January 28
Published on January 28, 2022Today’s Lunch: breaded chicken sandwich or sausage pizza
Monday’s Lunch: country fried beef patty or cheese pizza crunchers
Congratulations to Briar Trunnel and Avary Hunsinger, Silver Key Award Winners for the Scholastic Belin Blank Writing Contest. This is quite an honor to celebrate these two writers at our school!
Special thanks to Marissa Faribee for helping keep the lunchroom clean. Remember to clean up your mess and you will have success.
If you signed up to mentor a student at Jefferson, there will be a brief meeting today at the start of lunch in the fishbowl.
-NO band lessons today.
-Knights of Columbus Boys Free-Throw contest will be today during 10th pd. Please check in to study hall then head to the gym if you wish to participate. Girls will be Friday, Feb 4.
-Bring your nonperishable food items for the Souper Bowl of Caring to your 10th pd by Tues, Feb 1. The class with the most items to people ratio wins a pizza party. Double points for pasta sauce and canned meat! All items will be donated to the Pella Food Shelf.