Announcements Friday, January 27
Published on January 27, 2023Today’s Lunch: breaded chicken drumstick or crunchy coated cheese stick
Next Lunch: corn dog or spicy chicken sandwich
-The Souper bowl of caring starts on February 1st and goes through February 10. Bring any non-perishable food item to your WIN time, any breakfast item is worth 2 points and the class with the most points-to-student ratio will win a breakfast pizza party!
-Student council would like to celebrate students who have had no missing assignments all year. Anyone who has not had any missing assignment all year will possibly get a larger celebration at the end of the year. If you are someone with no missing assignments please fill out the form on google classroom by Friday February Third. Without the google form we won’t know if you are eligible for a reward.
The annual Knights of Columbus free throw shooting contest will be held on Wednesday, January 25 for the girls participants. The boys contest will be held on Wednesday, February 1. All contestants will shoot in the Jefferson gym starting after school on the early out day, 1:45.