Announcements Friday, Jan. 17
Published on January 17, 2014Today’s Lunch: cheeseburger or hot ham & cheese Monday’s Lunch: BBQ chicken sandwich or hot dog
Character Counts Recognition:
-Hailey Stock, Rebecca Dux, and Justin Van Steenwyk for doing extra help in the library
-The Pella Soccer Club winter program is open to everyone including non-members. Flyers are available in the office.
-The 8th grade boys basketball team will be dismissed at 2:45 to leave for Grinnell, and 7th grade boys will play here at 4:30.
-Come to the concession stand today to buy cupcakes for $1. Proceeds will go to Sak Saum.
The annual Knights of Columbus free throw competition for girls is today 10th pd. Please have entry form filled out before going down to the gym.
-2nd Qtr Publications students and Justin Van SteenWyk may pick up your posters in Mrs. Knight’s room.