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Announcements Friday, February 9

Published on February 9, 2018

Today’s Lunch  Mini Corn Dog or Grilled Chicken Bacon Ranch  Monday’s Lunch:  Loose-Meat Sandwich or Grilled Chicken Sandwich

Character Counts:

  • A big thank you to Kaylee Bultsma, Caleb Stewart, Dylan Waddell, and Ben Fogle for helping to clean up the gym and set up for the basketball games yesterday!  Your help was very much appreciated!A HUGE shout out to Brynlinn, Kylie, Payton and Kennedy for their help in the gym this morning.  Your cheerful willingness to lend a hand and advice are greatly appreciated.  Thanks!


  • The Pella Dance team will be hosting a dance clinic on February 24.  If you are interested in auditioning for Forte, this is a great chance to get a head start!  For more information, stop by and pick up a form in the office.  Deadline is February 15.
  • Good luck to the 7th grade basketball teams as they participate in the first round of the Hoops for Heart Tournament today..  A reminder to those playing:  please eat early and then head to the gym so we can get started quickly.
  • Those 7th grade students not participating in the hoops for heart, you will be staying in the cafeteria during recess time so please bring what you need to keep busy when you come down for lunch. You will not be allowed to go back to your lockers.
Have a fabulous Friday!