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Announcements Fri, May 22

Published on May 22, 2015

Today’s Celebrations:

-Great job 7th graders, Mrs. Schulz, and all involved with the Culture Fair!  The custodian crew are especially grateful for the quick and tidy clean-up in the gym after.  Thanks, everyone!

Today’s Lunch:  breakfast for lunch  Tuesday’s Lunch:  crispito or corn dog


-Pella Soccer Club fall registration information is available in the office.

-8th graders planning on participating in HS XC this fall will meet Wed, 10th pd in Mr. Tjeerdsma’s room.

-There will be a moped safety course held this Saturday at 8 am at the Pella Police Station.  Please call 628-4921 to register.

-Please check the tables near the gym hallway bathrooms for lost and found items.  Take what is yours home.  Items left after school Friday will be boxed and donated.

-Student council will meet Tuesday 10th pd in the learning street.  Please check in with your 10th pd teachers first.

-Student Council members please turn in your permission slips for the highway clean up to Mrs. Pentico by Friday.

-8th Grade Students – Remember that your high school schedules will be handed out at lunch on Wednesday.  If you have library fines, you will not receive your schedules until those are paid.

Have a fantastic Friday!