Announcements December 19, 2013
Published on December 19, 2013Today’s Celebration:
-The 7th grade girls basketball team won both games Tuesday evening. Great job!
Today’s lunch: beef taco or chicken fajita
Tomorrow: fish strips or hot dog
-7th grade girls basketball and wrestlers will be dismissed at 2:45. 7th grade boys are dismissed at 2:30. 8th grade boys play here tonight and 8th grade girls will play at Jefferson.
-Don’t forget to wear your holiday sweater tomorrow. -Please remember to donate to the food shelf and Heifer International.
-Please remember to return your late books and pay your fines to the library before Christmas break.
Students remember the 2nd Quarter ends this Friday. Academic Ineligibility will start on January 8th and will end January 22nd. It will be a full two weeks. If you have late work or are failing a class get it made up now. Any Questions see Mr. Anderson.
Make it a great Thursday!