Announcements : Wednesday, April 22
Published on April 22, 2015Choir students — Great concert last night!
Today’s lunch: chicken drumstick or cheeseburger
Tomorrow’s lunch: hot dog or loose meat sandwich
1:45 dismissal today. 8th grade PE (bring laptops) and 7th grade health
Congratulations to the 7th graders on a great fishing excursion yesterday! Periods 1&2 reeled in 13 fish, periods 4&7 caught 15 fish, and periods 8&9 got a whopping 20! Well done!
Calling all volleyball girls: 7th graders interested in going to Pella volleyball cam this summer, please see Mrs. Brand for a registration form. 8th graders, you will get your camp info at our player meeting in May. Stay tuned for more details or talk to Coach Brand.
Students, if you didn’t get a yearbook and you are still interested, you may purchase one for $13. See Mrs. Knight or the office to make a purchase.