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Announcements Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Published on September 4, 2024



-Pizza Crunchers



-Our iLead Schedule for today is different.  Please listen closely for where and when you should go to iLead:

-Freshman – iLead A in your classrooms

-Sophomores – iLead B in the auditorium

-Juniors – iLead A in your classrooms

-Seniors – iLead A in the auditorium


-A representative from Grand Canyon University will be in the commons during lunch A and B tomorrow, Sept. 5th.

-Wear your Iowa, ISU, or other favorite college gear tomorrow for the big game on Saturday!

-Hey Volunteers – Looking to earn service hours toward your 100-hour graduation cord? Madison Elementary needs your help during recess and lunch.

Want to learn more?

Visit the table in the commons during lunch TODAY to get more information and sign up to volunteer. We’ll help match your availability with Madison’s schedule.

Make a difference and start building your volunteer hours during the school week!

If you are interested in joining the Robotics Team, please plan to attend an introduction meeting this Thursday, Sept. 5 at 3:45 in the Industrial Technology – room 101 in the Career Academy.  The team is looking for students in grades 9-12 who have skills and interests in engineering, mechanical design/build, marketing, social media, public relations, or computer programming.

-Guest forms for the homecoming dance can be picked up in the main office.  Forms must be filled out if you are bringing a guest from another high school or if your guest has already graduated is 20 years old or younger.  Guests older than that are not allowed.   Forms are due back to the office by next Tuesday, September 10.  



-Congrats to the girls swim team as they defeated Marshalltown and Fort Dodge.