Announcements Wednesday, November 13, 2024
Published on November 13, 2024Lunch:
-BBQ Pork Rib Sandwich
-Breaded Mozzarella Cheese Sticks
-The Northwest Missouri State University visit has been canceled for Thursday 11/14. If you would like to chat with their admissions representative, please see Mrs. Roe in the counselors office and she can get you connected with them.
-Today we will be running Monday’s iLearn schedule. We do not have iLead today.
-There will be a meeting after school on Friday in Mr. Fessler’s room for those interested in boys wrestling.
-Students: We will be offering a pep bus for Thursday’s semifinal football game. Please email Mrs. Jablonski or Mrs. Treft, by 10:00 TODAY if you plan to attend. You can also stop down in the Activities Office to sign up. Your parents must contact the school before Thursday to give permission and you must be passing 4 classes in order to ride the pep bus.