Announcements Wednesday, May 3, 2023 — HS
Published on May 2, 2023Lunch Menu
Breaded Pork Tenderloin or Mozzarella Cheese Sticks
Schedule for Thursday and Friday this week:
Today during lunch, the counselors will be handing out your schedules for next school year. If you would like to request a change, please look for an email that includes the change request form. Please note, all requests for changes need to be made before summer break. Changes will not be made over the summer or right before school starts next Fall. The schedule will be mostly finalized by August, and because of class sizes, there will be very little room for adjustments to your schedules.
Today at 3:30pm is the deadline to turn in applications for next year’s Student Council.
There will be no parking at Faith Church on Friday due to a funeral. Freshmen, you may park in the high school student parking lots during Tulip Time. Please do not park in visitor or staff parking.
If you will be missing school Thursday or Friday to work or volunteer at Tulip Time, you’ll need to fill out and submit a work excuse form. They can be picked up in the office and need to be returned before your absence.
Central College will be here today from 11:15 – 12:15 in the Commons.
Congrats to the boys and girls soccer teams as they defeated Osky last night.
Congrats to the boys and girls track teams on taking home the Little Hawkeye Conference trophies last night.
Congrats to the girls tennis team on their win over PC last night.
Good luck to the boys and girls tennis teams as they compete at their conference meets today.