Announcements Wednesday, January 11, 2023 — HS
Published on January 11, 2023Lunch Menu
Breaded Chicken Sandwich or Tony’s Sausage Pizza
Students: The last day to ADD a class is Wednesday, January 11th. If you need to update your schedule, please visit with one of the counselors.
Reminder: Students need to have your student ID to sign out of the building during the school day.
Reminder if you would like to participate in intramural basketball during ilearn time see Mr. Thorson to sign up for a team. We still need a freshman, sophomore, and junior team.
Seniors – Please check your email for more information about the ski trip on January 20th.
There will be a table in the commons during lunch this week where you can turn in your payment.
For those interested in girls track this year there will be an informational meeting on Thursday, January 12 in Room 2013. The first option is at 7:50 with the second option right after school.
Please note the schedule change for Wednesday iLeads this semester:
iLead A – Freshmen and Seniors
iLead B – Sophomores and Juniors
Congrats to the girls basketball teams as they defeated Indianola last night.
Congrats to the JV and 9th grade boys basketball teams as they defeated Indianola.