Announcements Tuesday, September 1, 2020
Published on August 31, 2020TODAY’S THOUGHT ON CHARACTER COUNTS – “I can’t do it” never yet accomplished anything; “I will try” has performed wonders. – George P. Burnham
Lunch Menu – Creamy Mac-N-Cheese
Reminder tomorrow we are on Wednesday early out schedule.
Student reminder: Wednesday, September 2nd is the last day to DROP a course in your schedule for this semester. Please visit with a school counselor about any schedule changes.
Today is the last day to audition for the musical The Addams Family. There are audition times available after school and this evening. Sign up on the Musical Google Classroom page or see Mrs. Jones or Ms. Gaesser for more information.
Congratulations to the JV football team on their victory over DCG!
Good Luck to the volleyball team as they travel to Indianola tonight! Please dismiss the freshman volleyball team at 2:45, the bus will leave at 3:00 from the east entrance. The JV and Varsity team will leave at 3:45 from east entrance.
Special Schedule