Announcements Tuesday, November 19, 2024
Published on November 19, 2024Lunch:
-Cheesy Pull-Apart Bread
-Seniors: If you didn’t have your photo taken for the senior section of the yearbook, please go to Mr. Brandt’s classroom (room 1213) during lunch today to have your picture taken for the Duchess.
-The GSA will be meeting today in Mrs. Miranda’s room- 1208 – during lunch. All LGBTQ+ students and allies are invited to attend.
-Students only need to attend iLead tomorrow if you are having a scheduled Future Ready Conference at that time.
-Any girls interested in pre-season lifting for Girls Track should contact Coach Rasmussen.
–PHS will be offering a pep bus on Thursday for the championship football game. Please sign up in the main office or activities office by the end of the day today if you plan to ride the bus. Students need to be passing 4 classes and have parent permission to ride the bus.
Pep Bus Leaves at 3:45 PM.
Students will have access to the school upon their return to Pella, as the buses will not be locked and the UNI Dome has a clear bag policy.