Announcements Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Published on November 12, 2024Lunch:
-Mandarin Orange Chicken
-Chicken Patty
-A representative from Northwest Missouri State will be here Thursday, November 14, over lunch to visit with students.
-Basketball Cheer practice begins today at 4:00 in the weight room. Whether you’ve cheered before or are just curious to try it out, tonight’s practice is the perfect chance to see if basketball cheer is the right fit for you! Email Coach Conway with any questions!
-Students: We will be offering a pep bus for Thursday’s semifinal football game, if there is enough interest. Please email Mrs. Jablonski or Mrs. Treft, if you plan to attend. You can also stop down in the Activities Office to sign up. Your parents must contact the school before Thursday to give permission and you must be passing 4 classes in order to ride the pep bus.