Announcements Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Published on May 21, 2019TODAY’S THOUGHT ON CHARACTER COUNTS – “Believe in yourself and you will be unstoppable..” – Unknown
Lunch Menu – Mandarin Chicken OR Mack-N-Cheese & Chicken Nuggets
Seniors: Please pick up your Senior Check-out Form in the front office today. A completed form is required before leaving on Thursday.
Congratulations to the Boys tennis team on defeating Mt. Pleasant and Grinnell!
Congratulations to the softball team on their victory over Ballard!
Congratulations to the JV baseball team on their win over Carlisle!
Congratulations to the Girls golf team on placing 3rd out of 12 teams! Congratulations to Halie Veenstra for qualifying for individual state!
Good luck to the softball team as they travel to Eddyville! Please dismiss the athletes at 2:45, the bus will leave at 3:10 from the team room.
Good luck to the Girls soccer team as they play at Pella Christian tonight! Varsity will play first, starting at 5:30.
Special Schedules