Announcements Tuesday, March 5, 2024
Published on March 5, 2024Lunch Menu:
-Mandarin Orange Chicken
-Students: TODAY is your last chance to sign up for the WorkSMART Career Fair. You have until the end of the lunch period today (12:15) to get signed up. Go to the Google Form in your iLead teacher’s classroom. Don’t miss this opportunity to find out about what interests you!
-Students: Please be sure to have your WorkSMART Vision Board COMPLETED & PRINTED before going to the WorkSMART Career Fair iLead on Wednesday!
-Prom Ticket and Table reservation forms have been sent out! Please submit by April 5th.
-Seniors: All non-Tulip Time volunteer hours for our Distinguished Service Program are due on Friday, April 26. As a courtesy to our parent volunteer who logs the hours, please turn in your forms by the end of the school day that Friday. If you need Tulip Time volunteer hours to get to the 100 required for the graduation cord, submit all other hours by the 26th and then submit Tulip Time hours on Monday, May 6, by 3:30. We will not accept late submissions.
-If you are in the improv show, remember to meet during Ilearn A today in room 2001.
-Good luck to the girls track team as they travel to UNI today. Girls track is dismissed at 10:15 AM.
-Good luck to the boys basketball team as they compete at the state tournament.