Announcements Tuesday, March 28, 2023 — HS
Published on March 28, 2023Lunch
Muffin Tops or Breaded Chicken Sandwich
Students – The University of Iowa ROTC is hosting their bi-annual Be A Leader Day on April 20th. This is a great opportunity for Juniors and Seniors to visit the campus, explore the ROTC program, and get a FREE lunch at the university dining facility. Transportation is provided, and you will be back by the end of school. If interested, stop by the counseling office to sign up.
Reminder that prom ticket reservations will close this Friday at midnight.
Seniors please check your email from Mr. Thorson regarding the upcoming Senior Service Day. The date is April 19th. All students participating are required to have a permission slip signed by a parent. See Mr Thorson or pick one up in the HS office.
HS Bell Schedule for ISASP Week
If you are interested in auditioning to be part of the 2023-2024 Fortè Dance Team, please sign up in the activities office. You will receive an informational packet once you have signed up.
Congrats to the Jazz band on a great concert last night.
Good luck to the boys tennis team as they travel to North Polk. Boys tennis players are dismissed at 2:15.
Good luck to the JV and Varsity girls soccer team as they travel to Winterset. Girls soccer players are dismissed at 3:00.