Announcements Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Published on March 26, 2019TODAY’S THOUGHT ON CHARACTER COUNTS – “Trust people and they will be true to you; treat them greatly and they will show themselves great”. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Lunch Menu – BBQ Chicken Sandwich OR Breaded Chicken Sandwich
Seniors – Jostens will be here during lunch TODAY to pass out graduation products. Please plan to pick up your cap and gown in the Commons during that time.
Students taking the ACT workshop on Wednesday and Thursday evening: The workshop will be held in the back classroom of the library starting at 6:30 pm both nights.
Congratulations to Maggie Leach, Meredith Rowe, and Connor Gauley on strong performances yesterday at Individual Events All State at the University of Northern Iowa.
Good luck to the Boys tennis team as they host North Polk!
Special Schedules