Announcements Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Published on January 21, 2025Lunch:
-Cheesy Pull Apart Bread
-A representative from Dort College will be here today during the last half of lunch in the commons to visit with students.
-Guest forms for the Winter Formal Dance are available in the office. If your guest attends a different high school, or has already graduated, you will need to complete a form. Forms are due back by Wednesday, February 5th.
-Seniors – if you are going on the ski trip this Friday please see Rylie Van Vark or Ella Hartwick if you need more information.
-Please turn in donations by Thursday noon to Ella or Rylie or the main office
-There will be a boys track preseason meeting in the library on Wednesday at 3:30 PM.
-Good luck to the boys and girls basketball teams as they host tonight.
-Good luck to the boys and girls wrestling teams who are competing tonight. Both boys and girls wrestlers are dismissed after 7th hour.