Announcements Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Published on December 3, 2019TODAY’S THOUGHT ON CHARACTER COUNTS – “Don’t be pushed by your problems. Be led by your dreams.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Lunch Menu – Cheeseburger or Sliced Turkey Breast & Cheese Sub
Good luck to the Boys swim team as they travel to Indianola! The bus will leave at 3:30 from the east entrance.
Good luck to the basketball teams as they travel to North Polk! Please dismiss the JV Boys and Girls and the Varsity Girls at 2:30, the bus will leave at 2:45 from the east entrance. For the Freshman and Varsity Boys teams, the bus will leave at 4:00 from the east entrance.
Good luck to the wrestling team as they travel to Ottumwa! Please dismiss the athletes at 3:00, the bus will leave at 3:10 from the east entrance.
Special Schedule