Announcements Thursday, October 24, 2019
Published on October 24, 2019TODAY’S THOUGHT ON CHARACTER COUNTS – The future belongs to those who prepare for it today. Malcolm X
Lunch Menu – Nachos Grande & Corn Tortilla Chips or Fiestada Pizza
Seniors- If you didn’t have your photo taken by Mr. Brandt for the yearbook, photo retakes are next Tuesday (Oct. 29) during 7th period or immediately after school in Mr. Brandt’s classroom (rm 1213).
Congratulations to Ellie Wiskus HS, Caden Verhoef HS, Garion Elises HS, William Grinstead JI, Sarah Diers MS for placing 1st in their divisions at the West Central Districts Special Olympics Bowling competition. These athletes will move on to compete for medals at the State Special Olympics Bowling competition at Bowlerama Lanes in Des Moines in November. Congratulations to the other 13 athletes who finished from 2nd to 8th place in their divisions.
Congratulations to the volleyball team on their victory over Washington! The girls will play on Tuesday at Marion!
Good luck to the cross country team as they compete today for the State Qualifier! Please dismiss the athletes after 6th period.