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Announcements Thursday, March 30, 2023 — HS

Published on March 30, 2023

Lunch Menu

Pulled Pork Sliders or Wild Mike’s Cheese Bites


Upcoming College Visits:

Iowa State University – Monday, April 3 @ 10:30 (Senior Lounge)

Buena Vista University – Tuesday, April 4 @ 11:15 (Lunch Room)

Students – The University of Iowa ROTC is hosting their bi-annual Be A Leader Day on April 20th. This is a great opportunity for Juniors and Seniors to visit the campus, explore the ROTC program, and get a FREE lunch at the university dining facility. Transportation is provided, and you will be back by the end of school. If interested, stop by the counseling office to sign up.

The final four of the inaugural Pella High School Chess Tournament has been set…

Corbin VanDyke

Nile Roe

Justin Lee

Rex Rhamy

They will compete today during iLearn A in Room B of the library.

Reminder we are hoping to start dodgeball intramurals soon. Sign up your team today. See your email for details.

HS Bell Schedule for ISASP Week


If you are interested in being on the cheer squad this fall, cheer tryouts are today and Friday from 5:30-7 PM in the west gym, as well as Saturday from 9-10 AM.

All Speech team All-Staters need to get pictures taken with Mr. Brandt today. 

Good luck to the boys track team as they travel to Waukee. Boys track is dismissed at 1:30 PM.

Good luck to the girls golf team as they travel to Lynnville. Girls golf is dismissed at 2:45 PM.

Good luck to the boys tennis team as they travel to Ballard. Boys tennis is dismissed at 2:00 PM.

Good luck to the boys soccer team as they travel to Winterset. Boys soccer is dismissed at 2:45 PM, bus leaves from the team room at 3.