Announcements Thursday, January 30, 2025
Published on January 30, 2025Lunch:
-Walking Tacos
-Fiestada Pizza
-Andrea Gotta from DMACC will not be here today.
-Donations for the food shelf for Milly Moments will continue to be accepted until February 16th. There is a table in the lunch room where you can leave your items.
-Mr Fessler’s Sports Nutrition class should meet in the commons
to start class today. Make sure you bring your grocery list.
-FCA is hosting a lunch Bible study in the Foods room during Ilearn A today. Come join us!
-All City Speech Night will be held at Pella Christian at 7 pm tonight. There is a free will donation at the door. Come on out and see improv, musical theater, and ensemble performances from the Pella High and Pella Christian Speech Teams.
-Boys Golf next OPEN Net will be Monday Feb 3rd – 330-430pm
in the team room.
–FCA is hosting a huddle on Monday night, February 3rd, at 7:00 pm in the cafeteria. There will be a message, snacks, and games. Hope to see you all there!
-Good luck to the bowling team as they travel to Bondurant Farrar. Bowlers are dismissed after 6th period.
-Good luck to the boys wrestling team as they host tonight.
-Good luck to the students participating in the all-city speech night.