Announcements Thursday, January 28, 2024
Published on January 18, 2024Lunch Menu:
-Stuffed Crust Pepperoni Pizza
-All students: Today from 11:15-12:15 DMACC will be here to discuss their courses. If you are taking a DMACC class, you must attend, even if you attended in the fall. Students should attend opposite of their scheduled lunch time. If you need to speak to our DMACC rep, Andrea, please feel free to stop by the guidance office during the day today.
-Seniors, next Monday, January 22, during iLearn A there will be an orientation for the Dollars for Scholars scholarships in the auditorium. This is a great opportunity to get money for college and everyone who applies will receive a scholarship! Please bring your computers!
-A reminder that winter formal is scheduled for next Saturday, January 27th. The dance will be held at the High School this year and will cost $5 at the door. Any student wishing to bring a guest to the dance that attends a different high school or has already graduated, will need to fill out a guest form and have it returned to the main office by Wednesday, January 24th. Forms can be picked up in the main office.
-Seniors who are attending the ski trip need to have a signed wavier. Forms can be picked up in the main office or from Stephen Gaul.
-Good luck to the boys swim team as they compete in the conference meet at Indianola. Swimmers are dismissed after 7th period.
-Good luck to the boys and girls wrestling teams as they compete at DCG. Wrestlers are dismissed after 7th period.
-Good luck to the Boys Varsity reserve and 9th grade B basketball teams as they host Gilbert.