Announcements Thursday, August 29, 2024
Published on August 29, 2024Lunch:
-Hot Dog
-Multi-Cheese French Bread
-Freshman have iLead today and tomorrow in their iLead classrooms during iLead A. Make sure to attend!
-Sophomore through Senior Ilead House Reps will meet in the auditorium during iLearn A.
-Freshman iLead Reps will have a meeting next week. Listen for the announcement next week.
-Students – Your backpacks need to be IN your locker. They may not be left on the floor or on top of the lockers. If you leave your backpack sitting around and can’t find it, come check in the main office.
-Sophomore through Senior Ilead House Reps will meet in the auditorium during iLearn A.
-Good luck to the JV2 and Varsity volleyball teams as they each host a quad tonight.
-Good luck to the girls swim team as they compete in Newton.