Announcements Thursday, April 18, 2024
Published on April 18, 2024Lunch Menu:
-All-American Hot Dog with bun
-Crispito with Cheese
-Remember to buy your prom tickets today over lunch. This is the last day they will have the table set up.
-If you are interested in knowing what prizes are available for those attending After-Prom, the list is hanging in the main office window.
-Seniors, the deadline to sign up for Senior Service day is Today!
-If you are volunteering during Tulip Time and will miss school, please pick up an excuse form in the main office to be signed by your parents and supervisor.
Good luck to all of our spring sports competing today.
Boys Golf is dismissed after 4th period
Girls Golf is dismissed at 11:30
Boys Track is dismissed at 1:30
Girls Track is dismissed at 2:30
Girls Tennis is dismissed at 2:50